Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rapunzel Revisited

She gathers her dark, heavy tresses,
Into a firm knot at the nape of her slender neck,
Taut with tension, there’s seems no release.

She swallows once, sucks her breath in,
And takes a determined step, away from her shadow life,
Her fixed gaze, looks beyond the horizon.

With a renewed vow, she let's her hair escape, and
Cascade all the way down her spine,
Proclaiming her resolve to escape a dull peripheral existence.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Summer Solstice

I do a pagan ritual,
& twirl my summer wine,
Raising a toast to the ancient shrine.

The earth swirls like a dervish,
And tilts to its own lilt,
As it greets the Sun this solstice.

The Wait Cycle

The crimson blaze dims,
Lending a violet sheen,
Trees cast their shadows,
Welcoming another dusky night ...

The night sky, awaits,
She waits for the kiss,
From the first ray of the sun,
And the brightness to engulf her.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


She stands waiting,
At the corner stop,
On the busy road,
Every evening.

Amidst a myriad shadows,
Her silhouette,
Catches his eye,
Every time.

Their eyes meet,
Across the crowd,
They carry on,
Their separate ways.