Friday, July 13, 2012

Echo of Silence

An echo,
Waits her turn,
To be screamed out,
Pulls at words,
From across the chasm,
Of deafening silence.

Unconnected universes,
Collide with,
The nothingness,
Of reason,
In a state of,
Morbid suspension.

The sphere,
Of the person,
Stares back,
In defiance,
At the protocol,
Of pain and disgrace.

Innocence steps out,
In search of dignity,
Bewildered by,
The virtue of chastity,
A new reality attempts,
To restore equilibrium.

Just Us

 Can I breathe
You in like 
The mist in the garden
Before it turns to dew…

Can I fall for you 
Like a life full of promises 
That we have always 
Longed to keep...

Can we dance 
With the swirling autumn leaves 
As if the perfect spring  
.Is waiting somewhere just for us

Whimsical Butterfly - Haiku

Whimsical butterfly
With all your pretty colors 
Are you the rainbow

Little Flower - Haiku

Why little flower 
Did you choose to grow
At my front door